“Sent 6:7” comes from Acts 6:7, where Luke gives us a brief picture of the growth of the church in Jerusalem. He says, “the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.”

How exciting would it have been to be an eyewitness of those days? And that description wasn’t just due to the work of the Apostles… it was average Believers simply connecting with each other and those around them. And the same is still true today. Jesus calls his followers to be a part of introducing people to Him, and helping them to get to know Him better.

That is where “Sent 6:7” comes in. It provides the average Christian with simple and practical tools and processes to make an eternal difference in the lives of those around them… family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and even fellow church goers.


learn more about sent  6:7 groups

If you would like to join a Pursue Study group to learn more about Jesus and grow as a Christ-follower continue below and choose “Pursue Group” when registering.

If you are a dedicated Christ follower, and interested in discipleship and helping others be introduced to Jesus and grow in their faith, join a Launch Training. 

Continue below and choose “Launch Training” when registering. 

If you still have questions in the end, go to the bottom of this page to fill out the form to contact us and we will be happy to get right back with you to answer your questions and concerns.  





Choose from the available studies below, both are being offered Virtually or in person.  We would love you to join us!  Also, don’t hesitate to bring a friend along, just have them register, and we will make sure everyone gets connected



pursue: learn more about jesus

  • 16 Week Study
  • Bi-Weekly Virtual or in person
  • 1.25 hour session / week
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • Personal Reflection Time
  • A Commitment to learn
  • Weekly Printable Lessons
  • Downloadable Materials

join a study


launch: help others grow

  • 10 Week Study
  • 1.25 hour session / week
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • Bi-Weekly Meetings 
  • Virtual or in person
  • Personal Reflection Time
  • Dedicated Christ Follower
  • Passion to help others 
  • $8 / Printed Study Booklet
  • Downloadable Materials

join a study



Welcome!  If you have already signed up, you were likely prompted by your group leader to download the materials for your study.  The downloads below are broken down by study, Pursue and Launch. 

If you have any questions please contact your group leader via e-mail or phone.

PURSUE participants guide


launch participants guide


Need More Information

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