join a group – sent 6:7

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Sent 6:7 Group Registration
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About us

Thank you for wanting to join a Sent 6:7 study group!  My name is Tom, and my wife Lynnea and I, have been married for the past 10+ years.  We have four children ranging from three years old and up.  

Lynnea and I have been involved in various ministries since before we were married.  We have been part of FamilyLife for the past 5+ years, as Weekend to Remember Directors which is a Marriage Retreat hosted here in Kansas City annually.  We are responsible for leading a team of local couples in prayer, discipleship, coaching of our team as well as leading over 280 volunteers in the ministry of discipleship and invitation to the Catalyst events around our city.  In 2020, we had well over 880 people who all had the opportunity to respond to Christ at our Weekend to Remember marriage retreat, over 300 recommitted their lives and family to Christ as well as many prayed to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  

We have a passion for serving others, and look forward to working together with you on Sent 6:7, and join the Lord in where He is at work in your life, and within our city!


Copyright 2020    Ministry Phone: (620) 206-8730